Alzheimers and Dementia Blog - Alzheimers Association of Northern California and Northern Nevada Blog


2012 Top 5 Blog Stories of the Year

  As 2012 comes to a close, we wanted to take this opportunity to highlight our top 5 blog stories of the year: Research: Oxygen Therapy for Alzheimer’s? This story summarized the basics about...


National Caregivers Month: Jamie survived caregiving by educating herself

Today marks our last blog entry celebrating caregivers during National Caregivers Month. Jamie, whose dad died this June from Alzheimer’s calls on other caregivers to take action against Alzheimer’s. Remember to add a tribute to...


National Caregivers Month: Amanda moved back home to help care for Mom

We’ve heard from so many self-sacrificing caregivers during National Caregivers Month – here’s another story from Amanda, who was traveling the world when she got the news of her mom’s Alzheimer’s diagnosis. Remember to...