Alzheimers and Dementia Blog - Alzheimers Association of Northern California and Northern Nevada Blog
Dr. Kacie Deters, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Stanford University, was a recipient of the Alzheimer’s Association’s Fellowship for Diversity in 2018. Her research focuses on genetic predictors of Alzheimer’s disease and how they differ...
For Caregiver month we’re highlighting Elenita, a caregiver in the North Bay. This is the second part of a two-part series. The first part, about the benefits of finding a support group, is available...
For Caregiver month we’re highlighting Elenita, a caregiver in the North Bay. This is the first part of a two-part series. The second part, about home safety, can be found here Elenita is the...
Therapy dog Brixton and his owner Linda have recently become social media ambassadors for the San Francisco Walk to End Alzheimer’s. Brixton uses his star power on Instagram (@brixtonatlarge) to help promote the Walk...
By Malavika Raj Andy lived 6,000 miles away from his father who had dementia. As the primary caregiver, Andy spent 20 years flying back and forth to Taiwan to care for his father. With...
Barbara Chacón knew her father was having memory issues but didn’t know how to help. It wasn’t until she heard someone from the Alzheimer’s Association® speak about the disease that she learned there were...
By Susan DeMarois Susan DeMarois, Director of Public Policy for the Alzheimer’s Association® has worked tirelessly to ensure the rights and safety for those living with dementia in long-term care settings. Working with state...
By Prabhjeet Kaur Brookside Walkers and Friends started out as a small team of dedicated friends and family participating in the Stockton Walk to End Alzheimer’s. Now, with more than 60 team members spanning...