Alzheimers and Dementia Blog - Alzheimers Association of Northern California and Northern Nevada Blog
Our final highlights for National Volunteer week feature two leaders at the Alzheimer’s Association. Geoff has seen many family members suffer through Alzheimer’s disease and was connected to the Alzheimer’s Association through his co-workers...
According to Tessie, volunteer manager with the Alzheimer’s Association, a great volunteer is reliable, passionate and motivated to be part of a team. “The people who volunteer with us are not “˜just volunteers,’ they...
Our National Volunteer Week coverage continues with two more volunteers who make Alzheimer’s a mission possible: Dawn and Jim. Dawn has lost loved ones to Alzheimer’s, she is the primary caregiver for her mother...
It’s National Volunteer Week and we are proud to mark the occasion with sincere appreciation for all of our Alzheimer’s Association volunteers far and wide! All this week we’ll be highlighting some of our...
Nicholas Sager, recreation specialist with On Lok Lifeways joined us for a session about music as therapy for individuals with Alzheimer’s. The transformative power of music has been recognized throughout the ages and music...
Our education conference continued with three breakout sessions, including Communication and Validation Therapy with Mike Splain, LCSW, ACSW and an early stage panel featuring experts from the Alzheimer’s Association and individuals with early stage...
Bill Fisher, chief executive officer of the Alzheimer’s Association, Northern California and Northern Nevada Chapter kicked off the annual education conference in the Santa Cruz area at the Mount Hermon Conference Center on a...
Scientists are not absolutely sure what causes brain cell death and tissue loss in Alzheimer’s disease, but two abnormal brain lesions – known as amyloid plaques and tau tangles – are prime suspects. Amyloid...