Can coconut oil treat Alzheimer’s?

We’ve received quite a few questions recently about whether or not coconut oil can be used to treat Alzheimer’s disease. This is a topic that comes up often, so I thought it would be helpful to provide some background:

The claim

This theory has to do with substances called ketones. The damage caused by Alzheimer’s disrupts the brain’s ability to use its primary energy source, known as glucose. The brain naturally gets a portion of its energy from ketone bodies when glucose is less available (e.g., during fasting, strenuous exercise, and in newborns). Ketones may provide an alternative energy source to the brain’s cells to moderate the damage caused by Alzheimer’s disease. The body produces ketones when it metabolizes coconut oil and similar substances (fatty acids).

Beyond the headline

Unfortunately, there just isn’t any creditable science to support this idea. It is impossible for us to know how well coconut oil does or does not work in Alzheimer’s disease because there have not been rigorous, large-scale research studies done.

The bottom line

Because there haven’t been any large studies to test the effectiveness of coconut oil, we just can’t say whether it really helps people with Alzheimer’s disease. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn’t. I personally suspect that it has little effect on Alzheimer’s symptoms but, to be fair, I haven’t had any family members, friends or clients who’ve tried it.

My rule of thumb is that if the risks and costs are low, you might consider trying it. If the risks or costs are high, don’t chance it. Think about how you would feel if you gave your loved one something and they lost ground and independence as a result.

Some alternative therapies have substantial risk associated with them; be careful and don’t assume that something that is “natural” is safe. If you are considering trying coconut oil, please consult your doctor first to make sure it will do no harm to the person with dementia.

For more information on the latest news and developments in Alzheimer’s research, visit

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175 Responses

  1. Sue says:

    I started using coconut oil in January as a preventative measure as there has been Alzheimer’s in the family. I make a fruit smoothie every day for lunch which I share with my husband. I use about two tbs. of Garden of Life extra virgin 100% organic coconut oil with one cup low fat milk, 1/2 cup plain non-fat Greek yogurt, two tsp. vanilla, three packs of Truvia, six strawberries, half of a banana, and some raspberries and blueberries. After whipping it all up in the blender, the coconut oil has dissolved. The smoothie is delicious. If it weren’t, my husband would not drink it. Don’t hesitate to blend in some ice as well. It does not prevent the coconut oil from dissolving. I order my Garden of Life oil from Amazon in the 32 oz. size. It is much cheaper than the cost at the health food store. While the evidence of the benefits to Alzheimer’s patients is still purely anecdotal, I have been unable to find any reports of negative side effects from the use of coconut oil and enough benefits (increase in good cholesterol, boost to the immune system) that I have made it a daily part of my diet. The only problem is figuring out how to travel with it. I guess I will have to pack a small jar with lots of padding in a double layer of zip lock bags (in case it melts) and hope for the best. Good luck to all who try it!

    • SST says:

      So what is the bottom line as a result of consuming coconut as fruit or using coconut oil in salad??
      I guess you do not have to write down the recipes of coconut or its oil, but what is your personal experience or as a direct result ??

    • EL Mohel Castorena says:

      Health food stores sell coconut in capsules. Great for traveling.

    • EL Mohel Castorena says:

      Health food stores sell coconut oil in capsules. Great for traveling.

  2. B. J. INGRAM says:

    I’m so glad to find this recent and helpful information about coconut oil. I bought some today for a family member in early stages of dementia/Alzheimers(?), but did not know how much to use or the best way to use it. The health food store had no information. I know a member of our church with Parkinson’s who has improved significantly since his caregiver put him on Coconut Oil. Is there any way we can get scientific research on this?

    • Kate says:

      Hello BJ-
      I have been searching for scientific information on this. There is none- yet there is a doctor that used coconut oil and mct oil for her husbands alzheimers with great success. Although anecdotal evidence,it is powerful. Her name is Mary Newport. There are several videos on youtube with her and her husband.
      I wish you the best with your loved one.

    • Karen says:

      Coconut oil was recently prescribed for my father, who has moderate dementia, by his neurologist.

      The dosage prescribed is 1 tablespoon twice a day for one week, then increase to two tablespoons twice a day.

      • Barbara says:

        Hi Karen
        I was wondering if the coconut oïl is helping your dad at all ? I’m glad to hear that the neurologist prescribed it. What did he tell you exactly? My mom has beginning of Alzheimer and is on aricept and I was wondering about getting the coconut oïl for her. Thanks for your time .

      • Bill K says:

        Hi Karen,

        How is your father doing now that he is taking the coconut oil?. My dad has dementia as well and am curious on mentioning it to his doctor as something that can be prescribed or included in his daily diet?.


  3. Marcelle says:

    Here’s a fantastic link from Dr. Mercola on how much coconut oil to use and when the best time of the day is to take it for Alzheimer’s Disease protection. My sweet grandmother has been completely ravaged by Alzheimer’s. If coconut oil helps, may this information safe many grandmothers and grandmothers to be.

  4. Marcelle says:

    Sorry, I thought I could paste the URL in the “URL” section and that it would be posted. Here it is:

  5. robert perry says:

    Since cocanut oil is widely consumed all over South Asia — and cetainly more than just two table spons– and there is no epedemic of heart disease in these countries, there can’t be any harm in taking it.
    What we need is an epidemilogical study of the incidence of Alziemer’s disease in cocanut oil consuming cultures.
    I am however puzzled by the fact that Christian Broadcasting Network and various ministers of the Church are promoting cocanut oil as treatment for AD…

  6. Carolyn J says:

    First a comment to JOHN KER..coconut oil from Walmart is NOT the kind you want to buy. It’s NOT “organic” or “virgin”. It’s over-processed and may only be best for frying. The type that is recommended for therapeutic usage is ORGANIC VIRGIN. I buy mine at Trader Joe’s for $6 for 16 fl oz. I may also investigate buying larger jars on the Internet. It is semi-solid at 75 degrees and liquid at 77 degrees. I’ve read that a person should try to ingest at least 3 Tbsp per day. There is a ton of info on the Internet and on You Tube….just Google “Coconut Oil”.
    My 84 yr old mother has dementia, on med’s for it, so I recently relayed the info to my brother in CA about trying coconut oil. I hope it helps her because I’m afraid she’ll forget that she was cooking something and burn down her house. She also has Muscular Degeneration and “legally blind”. She is depressed, doesn’t bathe, wears the same clothes everyday, thinks my brother is stealing her stuff and forgets where things are and has become a hoarder of sorts. I hope the coconut oil helps her.

  7. dprojoe says:

    As an Adoptee I found my birth family last year which was great. I now know I have three living half sisters and we are growing are realtionships. The down side was finding out my Birth mother, her three sisters and one brother all had
    Alzheimesr related deaths. My sister (62) told me about Coconut Oils potentuial Alzheimers benefits and as you may know there are numerous other health benefits with use both internally and externally. I now consume the recommended two tablespoons daily in my morning Qatmeal. At 64 I have already noticed increased energy and mental alertness. If it helps me ward off this dreaded decease fantastic, if not I continue to benefit in other ways as stated.

  8. Cindy says:

    I have tried coconut oil with my Mom, but later learned it is best used with MCT oil. this made a big difference on her mood. She was really testy before and her memory is better. she can remember names now. I believe more people should try it and help their family members with dementia or AZ come out of the darkness.

  9. Sarah says:

    Does anyone know where in Canada I can purchase coconut oil, specifically in Edmonton, Alberta? Thank you!

  10. Stacy says:

    Cindy, I think that coconut oil is considered an MCT oil, which stands for ‘medium-chain triglycerides’ and are supposedly naturally found in coconut oil, palm kernel oil, and butter. But, are you saying that the coconut oil did not work until you added the MCT oil? How much of each were you giving your mother and how were you giving it to her?

  11. Howard Fry says:

    I also purchased some coconut oil and it helps me to sleep better I don’t fall asleep quicker but I do have a very much deeper sleep and also I my energy is better my stamina is what I really notice. I had been on it for about two months now and it makes me feel so much better I can think better and, I won’t be without it …

  12. Steve D says:

    Coconut oil can be used and tastes like butter on hot breads, if you can eat bread, and it is a great oil for the hands, hair, and as a body oil. It is absorbed in through the skin. We take a Tbl spoon multiple times daily and just let it melt in the mouth.
    And as mentioned, it’s great in smooties and used as the oil in salad dressings as a change from the store bought norms.

  13. linda hafenbredl says:

    In reviewing the articles posted by the Alzheimer’s Assn, researcher, there seems to be a definite focus on pharmaceutical treatments, and a casting doubt on the efficacy of anything else. I myself have read enough individual, detailed reports of major, positive, significant, witnessed outcomes from coconut oil ingestion, alone, that have been available for Years,(!) that it begs the question of WHY , with the million$$$ in AA donations, has no research been directed toward this?
    I do understand that there would be no positive outcome for the pharmaceutical industry, that seems to be influencing the direction of research. Non the less, the mission statement of the Alzheimer’s Association remains:
    To eliminate Alzheimer’s disease through the advancement of research; to provide and enhance care and support for all affected; and to reduce the risk of dementia through the promotion of brain health.

    • Ben Rosen says:

      The Pharmaceutical Industry does not want any prescriptions being a total cure for any disease. They just want you feeling slightly better and prolong your health issue. Every prescription you take will require another one to control side affects of the other one, similar to a pyramiding scheme. They will never find a cure for any disease! The multi billion dollar Pharmaceutical Industry would go broke if they sold cures for diseases. If a prescription actually works to well it’s pulled. Have you noticed your doctor takes multiple ten day holidays every year attending a few hour session on prescribing prescriptions and enjoys the rest of the ten day free holiday on the pharmaceutical’s dime. These giant companies try their level best to quash the good results people get from using Coconut Oil and others that really work without any side effects.

      • Ethan Brent says:

        Thank you, Mr. Rosen, for voicing the real bottom line on the powerful pharmaceutical industry. As you will have already surmised, the main reason that there are no rigorous scientific studies on the potential benefits of coconut oil for people with Alzheimer’s disease is because they would never fund it and they block such studies. If they are isolate some component that they can then claim patent rights for that ‘proves’ financially enriching for them, perhaps they will. There are claims that cannabis oil cures a number of serious diseases, including cancer, but I have heard university scientists say off the record that they cannot get funding for this research and that they would probably get fired if they did, thanks to the pressure the big pharmcos weld.

    • Catherine says:

      Care to share or post the “findings” purporting that coconut oil is effective against Alzheimer’s? Anecdotal evidence or “this is what happened with my Grandma” does NOT constitute proper research. There are admittedly several of these stories which could indicate a possible relationship between the two, but 3rd variables and/or “other” explanations have not been explored which may have impacted these findings. Therefore one cannot say that the coconut oil definitely cures Alzheimer’s. In fact, because I’ve used it 2 times with close relatives suffering the disease with absolutely no improvement or change, I could claim that coconut oil does NOT work against Alzheimer’s. However, I recognize that this hardly constitutes research, and that coconut oil may have positive benefits in other ways; it just hadn’t been properly researched and identified..
      As for your question about why no research has been done with the million $$$ in AA donations… Obviously you are not perusing the AA site. They specifically explain how their $$ are used and the limitations they are up against when it comes to deciding which organizations will obtain the research $$.
      Unfortunately I think you are probably correct when it comes to the influence of the pharmaceutical industry… However this does NOT alter he mission statement of the Alzheimer’s Association:
      To eliminate Alzheimer’s disease through the advancement of research; to provide and enhance care and support for all affected; and to reduce the risk of dementia through the promotion of brain health.

      Like everyone on here though, I am hopeful for a cure- natural or pharmaceutical wise.. The main goal is to prevent this from happening to anyone…


  14. linda hafenbredl says:

    I have been buying organic, extra-virgin coconut oil in a GALLON size, online from for @ $21. If you buy enough, the shipping is free. I use it in oatmeal, pop popcorn in it, and even use it on my skin! Wonderful stuff.

  15. Cliff richardson says:

    I’m 85 yrs.old. Concerned about my 82 yr. old wife. I am just starting the daily regimen of coconut oil since she has developed both cancer of the lungs and alzheimers. I know that it is a shot in the dark but I will keep you all informed as time passes. God bless.

  16. gary morello says:

    Be certain to buy only non-hydrogenated organic extra virgin coconut oil. Any thing else will lift the bad cholestroel (ldl) and cause other problems.

    • Mary says:

      I’ve read that there is no such thing, other than advertising (price), as extra virgin coconut oil.

  17. Lana says:

    It was seventeen years ago is when I first suspected my husband had this dreadful disease. We have really tried everything! Some days are good and some days I wonder if I can do this. Nine years ago we moved in order to be closer to our daughter and son with their families. A couple of years later I enrolled my husband in a day care program which he attended 5 days a week for over 6 years. Thank heavens the VA paid for his care for which I am very grateful. I tried everywhere to get support and help taking care of him. The only thing the Alzheimer’s Association offered was meetings away from my area, times were too early, and what would I do with my husband? I went to a support group at the place my husband was attending the adult day center every week for 6 years and that was helpful. I just wanted to give you a little background on my situation. I am his wife and caregiver!

    Last July 3, 2011 my husband fell in our driveway and broke his hip. Oh boy, he almost died 4 times in a six week period. I said I wanted to bring him home and take care of him myself! They told me that I was bringing him home to die. On August 25, 2011 he came home and has been bed bound in our small living room for 9 months. He has been on hospice since the accident. They are fantastic and I know I could not do this without their help. Even if I could afford (and I can’t) put him in a nursing home, I would not!

    Strange thing is that he is getting better! Even though this man has lost probably 100 pounds, he eats and drinks well. I do puree all of his food so that he does not aspirate. I have a IonWays water machine which filters the water to a ph level of number 10. I mix the alkaline water in his food and drink. The run off which is the acidic water, we wash his body with. I also was my floors with this acidic water. NINE months doing this and NO bed sores. Every hospice worker that comes in here can not believe no bed sores. I recently started giving him 2 tablespoons of pure Coconut Oil in his food daily. Between these two things, he is so much sharper talking and even is reading again. I contacted the Alzheimer’s Association to give them this information and their commit was their have been no studies confirming this. I know there is something to this! I have seen this transformation before my eyes! I Learned about this from a web sight which is and the information on this sight from a Dr. Mary Newport who treated her husband who has Alzheimer’s Disease.

    • Ethan Brent says:

      Another voice crying in the wilderness. How can the head honchos of this association promote their espoused Vision and Mission statements and NOT foster, fund, encourage and other wise support studies on the benefits of high-quality [that is, virgin organic] coconut oil for Alzheimer’s disease? Admittedly, I have not even begun to investigate whether or not this ‘trade’ association/ special interest lobbyist group receives handsome tax-deductible donations, either directly or indirectly, for any pharmaceutical company. Does anyone know?

      Remember, it was not so long ago that AIDS was considered to be an untreatable death sentence. Now, it is thought of as a serious, but manageable, chronic condition, at least in the more affluent countries. Certainly, when profiteering as the prime directive is set aside, we can get to the bottom of what actually leads to the condition now labeled as Alzheimer’s disease too.

    • barbara says:

      My husband has been taking coconut oil (from Walmart) every morning with his breakfast for two years, and he is 100% better. It is so wonderful to have my husband back. I thank God every day for my husband’s good health.

  18. Clopper says:

    You write “The body produces ketones when it metabolizes coconut oil and similar substances (fatty acids).

    Unfortunately, there just isn’t any creditable science to support this idea.”

    You have misstated the claim. You should have said, “similar substances (mid-chain fatty acids)” The “mid-chain” is all important, as you can learn by reading Dr. Newport’s objective and informative book. She also cites many studies to support what she says about ketones. Are you saying all these studies by eminent biochemists and physicians are not “creditable science”?

    If you are just saying that there have not yet been large studies of the effectiveness of coconut and MCT oil, that is of course true. But the science behind Dr. Newport’s conjecture is about as creditable as it gets. And the conjecture has paid off handsomely — and not just for her husband.

    No private company is going to pay for the large-scale studies you would like to see because there is no money to be made by proving that these inexpensive products help with Alzheimer’s disease. Moreover, don’t expect Dr. Newport to propose and conduct such a study. She is not set up to do that. You are in contact with researchers. You should invite and urge qualified researchers to undertake such a study. You should also support funding for the production of ketone ester in quantities large enough for human experimentation, as proposed by Dr. Veech of NIH.

    I was glad to see that your new blog on coconut oil had softened your position somewhat. But you need to go further, be pro-active, not just re-active.

  19. Abel P says:

    DAY 1
    My father is turning 83 in a couple of days and he has Alzheimer.
    Today he had his first extra virgin, organic coconut oil dosis.
    I will try to report on his reaction.

    • Sherrie G. says:

      Please let me know how your dad is doing? My dad is turning 83 in June 2013 &
      we’ve been giving him a TBLS of coconut oil a day & I saw him last week & I could really tell a difference in him. He was more aware & in a very pleasant mood. He seemed to be very more lucid too! It’s really wonderful to see these changes & to feel the happiness it brings to our family!

  20. Abel Padilla says:

    Day 12
    Still giving him 2 table spoons: morning and afternoons.
    He is in a better mood since we began.
    He has “sparks” of lucidity that he hasnt had in months.
    He shows more interest for things we thought he had forgotten.
    He is far from being cured but he seems little bit better.
    We are happy.

  21. Ellen Newman says:

    Someone told me that the positive effects of coconut oil are lost if it is heated up, thus it should only be used at room temperature or in cold form. I would like to use it to fry vegetables or meats. Does anyone have information on this? Also, I read that the coconut oil is better if taken with MCT oil. Any info on this?

  22. Cynthia says:

    “…It is a big leap for many people to even begin to examine whether or not MTC therapy (medium chain triglycerides found in coconut oil) could impact Alzheimer’s through prevention, and halting the progression of those who have it. I understand that. The reaction that some have to this information is almost angry. In some ways I think of Galileo and his belief in a heliocentric solar system.

    I was also thinking about another disease that plagued mankind for thousands of years. This disease was cured and prevented without a prescription drug. It was a disease that left untreated was fatal and yet the disease had a simple fix. Here are the symptoms that accompanied the disease.

    After 1–3 months, patients develop shortness of breath and bone pain.
    skin changes with roughness, easy bruising and petechiae
    gum disease
    loosening of teeth
    poor wound healing
    emotional changes
    Dry mouth and dry eyes similar to Sjögren’s syndrome may occur
    In the late stages, jaundice
    generalized edema
    oliguria (low output of urine)
    and eventual death are frequently seen.

    What was the disease that killed so many over thousands of years? Scurvy. Today scurvy is known to be caused by a nutritional deficiency, but until the isolation of vitamin C and its direct link to scurvy in 1932, numerous theories and treatments were proposed, often on little or no experimental data. This inconsistency is attributed to the lack of vitamin C as a distinct concept, the varying vitamin C content of different foods (notably present in fresh citrus, watercress, and organ meat), and how vitamin C can be destroyed by exposure to air and copper. Part of the confusion came because there were people groups who existed almost exclusively on fresh meat and fat yet these people did not get scury. What was not known is that ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is available in fresh meat…causing the confusion.

    Treatment by fresh food, particularly citrus fruit, was periodically implemented, as it had been since antiquity. Documentation goes back at least as far as the 1400’s suggesting that scurvy could be cured with citrus fruit. Citrus fruit as a prevention and cure for scurvy was finally proven in 1753 in the first ever clinical trial by Scottish surgeon in the Royal Navy, James Lind, who first proved it could be treated with citrus fruit in experiments he described in his 1753 book, A Treatise of the Scurvy,though his advice was not implemented by the Royal Navy for several decades. The ultimate cause of scurvy was not known until 1932, and treatment was inconsistent, with many ineffective treatments used into the 20th century. In the elapsed time between the proposed cure and clinical trials…millions died from this preventable disease. Let’s hope and pray that it does not take hundreds of years between the discovery of what can help prevent and treat Alzheimer’s Disease, and its proof through clinically proven medical trials. What a tragedy that would be for our nation and the 15,000,000 people projected to have Alzheimer’s disease by 2050.

    It is my belief that Dr. Mary Newport, author of Alzheimer’s Disease: What if there was a Cure?, is one who like the early doctors who treated scurvy, was proactive and based on research she discovered embraced a very real treatment of Alzheimer’s. Had she waited for this country’s mammoth medical machine to catch up and confirm the validity of MCT’s as an accepted treatment her husband’s brain would almost certainly be at a place where he was no longer with her.


  23. Carlos says:

    : About extravirgin coconut oil and heart health , I found two brazilian articles .I guess that any universities and institutions around the world , that works with research of dementia , can makes similar researches with extravirgin coconut oil and MCTs , to get their own conclusions.
    The first article , showed strong benefits to protect against heart and other vascular diseases with the use of extravirgin coconut oil , as I paste bellow . The study was made by the Universidade Paulista (UNIP), Campus Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brasil ,and was found on line in march 2011.
    Objective. To evaluate the effect of dietary supplementation with extra virgin coconut oil on lipid profile and cardiovascular dyslipidemic subjects.
    Method. This is an intervention research conducted in a cardiology clinic of Valparaiso de Goiás. The sample consisted of 32 patients with hypercholesterolemia, 50% female, mean age 48 years. All patients were supplemented with 30 mL/day coconut oil for three months. The authors analyzed body weight, body mass index, abdominal perimeter and abdomen-hip ratio, dietary intake (24 hour recall), as well as full lipid profile, fasting glucose, apolipoprotinein AI and B, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, lipoprotein (a) [Lp (a)] and fibrinogen before and after supplementation. The t-Student test with 5% significance was used.
    Results. After supplementation with coconut oil, there was significant reduction in weight, body mass index, abdomen hip ratio, abdominal perimeter, triglycerides, very low density lipoprotein (VLDL-c), and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, as well as significant increase in the levels of apo A-I . There was also a trend towards a reduction in total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL-C) and Lp (a), as well as a slight increase in high density lipoprotein (HDL-C) and fibrinogen, but these results were not significant.
    Conclusion. The results suggest that dietary supplementation with extra virgin coconut oil is able to exert benefits on lipid profile and cardiovascular hypercholesterolemic subjects. However, randomized controlled trials are needed
    The other article about how safe can be the use of moderate doses of extravirgin coconut oil , was published in the american medical journal called Lipids , and the authors of the article made a RANDOMISED, DOUBLE-BLIND, CLINICAL TRIAL that involved 40 women aged 20–40 years , using COCONUT OIL VERSUS SOY OIL , to compare the effects of both oils in lipids profile and obesity .
    I really hope that these articles inspire universities and institutions that works in dementia research , to performs dozens of scientific research with the extra virgin coconut oil .


    The effects of dietary supplementation with coconut oil on the biochemical and anthropometric profiles of women presenting waist circumferences (WC) >88 cm (abdominal obesity) were investigated.
    The RANDOMISED, DOUBLE-BLIND, clinical trial involved 40 women aged 20–40 years.
    Groups received daily dietary supplements comprising 30 mL of either soy bean oil (group S; n = 20) or coconut oil (group C; n = 20) over a 12-week period, during which all subjects were instructed to follow a balanced hypocaloric diet and to walk for 50 min per day.
    Data were collected 1 week before (T1) and 1 week after (T2) dietary intervention.
    Energy intake and amount of carbohydrate ingested by both groups diminished over the trial, whereas the consumption of protein and fibre increased and lipid ingestion remained unchanged.
    At T1 (T1 – one week BEFORE the use of the oils) there were no differences in biochemical or anthropometric characteristics between the groups .
    But at T2 ( T2 – one week AFTER starting the use of the oils) group C (group C – it is the COCONUT oil group–EVCO) presented a higher level of HDL (48.7 ± 2.4 vs. 45.00 ± 5.6; P = 0.01) and a lower LDL:HDL ratio (2.41 ± 0.8 vs. 3.1 ± 0.8; P = 0.04).
    Reductions in BMI were observed in both groups at T2 (P < 0.05), but only group C exhibited a reduction in WC (P = 0.005).
    Group S ( group S – it is the SOY oil group ) presented an increase (P < 0.05) in total cholesterol , LDL and LDL:HDL ratio, whith HDL diminished (P = 0.03). Such alterations were not observed in group C (coconut oil group).
    It appears that dietetic supplementation with COCONUT OIL (EVCO) does NOT cause dyslipidemia and seems to promote a reduction in abdominal obesity .
    This article based in part on the ML Master's Dissertation of the Assumption, Presented to the Faculty of Nutrition, Federal University of Alagoas, Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil, in 2007. A summary of the paper was Presented at the IX National Congress of the Brazilian Society of Food and Nutrition, São Paulo, SP, Brazil, 2007.

  24. Carlos says:

    We started to gives extravirgin coconut oil (EVCO) to my aunt with advanced dementia ,and we observed that she had na enhancing in her speech , and in her attention to what other people says and her eyes was more “vivid “. She talks more too when she takes the oil.
    But as she started with almost a type of a “ mild diarrhea” , we stoped to gives the coconut oil.
    But I read the abstracts of articles in Pubmed , about a researches that the researchers made tests to check the levels of lauric acid ( the main component of extravirgin coconut oil (EVCO)) before and after massages in the arms of the patients , using the extravirgin coconut oil , and they found that after the massages with the oil , the blood levels of lauric acid was the double of the levels of lauric acid that they found before the EVCO massages, and they concluded that extravirgin coconut oil has a good transdermal absortion .
    After I read that article ,we started to makes massages with one or two tea spoons of extravirgin coconut oil (EVCO) , in the arms of my aunt , four times a day, and for our surprise, her enhancing in speech , gait , attention , mood ,etc , it is the almost the same that we saw when we gave the EVCO by mouth , with the advantage that she do not have any intestinal disorders making the massages with the oil in her arms 4 times a day.
    I guess that the massages with the extravirgin coconut oil , it is an option to persons that do not or can not takes EVCO by mouth.
    About the transcutaneous absortion(working like“ transdemal patches “ ) of extravirgin coconut oil by the very thin skin of elderly people (their skins looks to be so fragile as the babies), I guess that the two articles that I paste part of the abstracts bellow , maybe can explain why we are seeing enhancings in mood and behavior of my aunt , using ONLY massages with extravirgin coconut oil (she it is not taking by mouth at moment). But I guess that the Best it is to takes tôo , the extravirgin coconut oil by mouth.
    Indian Pediatr. 2005 Oct;42(10):998-1005. “ TRANSCUTANEOUS ABSORPTION OF TOPICALLY MASSAGED OIL IN NEONATES.-“ Solanki K, Matnani M, Kale , M, Joshi K, Bavdekar A, Bhave S, Pandit A. , – Source Department of Pediatrics, KEM Hospital, Pune 411 011, India
    “Conclusions : This study shows that topically APPLIED OIL CAN BE ABSORBED IN NEONATES and is probably available for nutritional purposes. The fatty acid constituents of the oil can influence the changes in the fatty acid profiles of the massaged babies.”
    Indian Pediatr. 2005 Sep;42(9):877-84. “OIL MASSAGE IN NEONATES: AN OPEN RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED STUDY OF COCONUT VERSUS MINERAL OIL.” Sankaranarayanan K, Mondkar JA, Chauhan MM, Mascarenhas BM, Mainkar AR, Salvi RY. – Source : Department of Neonatology, LTM Medical College and General Hospital, Mumbai and Marico Industries Limited, Mumbai, India.”
    “ Results : Coconut oil massage resulted in significantly greater weight gain velocity as compared to mineral oil and placebo in the preterm babies group; and in the term baby group, as compared to the placebo. Preterm infants receiving coconut oil massage also showed a greater length gain velocity compared to placebo group.”

  25. Vivian says:

    My mother was diagnosed with alzhiemer 4years ago, she taken aricept
    and namenda with little changem aboyt 2 wks ago i read an article on 100% pure organic coconut oil being used for pts with alzheimer and having positive results! My mother is mor talkative with rationale, she is alert, is more energetic(for an 85 yr old young woman) her eyes are brighter! i think i willcontinue and keep you posted. i too started on the oil Please continue with this informative blog, it has given me hope and a feeling of not being alone! I want to Remember…

  26. Vivian says:

    Please lets be open to all that can be done to help pts and families! Thanks

  27. Stephen Cain says:

    What can be bad about using something with so many benefits to the body as a whole? NONE! Since researching the topic, I decided it was well worth the effort. Having severe issues with blockages and heart attacks and memory loss/issues because of them, I felt it imperative to try something natural versus the regimen of chemicals I was prescribed. My first stent was blocked again after only 4 years and the other partial blockages grew and ruptured in under 2 years. Not a great testament to the Crestor and Tricor meds for sure. Since using the coconut oil religiously, the other partial blockage is still at only 50% after 3 years. Not definitive proof for the non-believers but I also have far less memory issues as I once did either. I feel better, don’t get lost in parking lots anymore and my blood work results have little hearts drawn on them by the staff at the cardiologist’s office so how can I question my decision? The pharmaceutical industry will lobby against ANYTHING that works and deprives them of money so don’t expect testing to be pursued on any grand scale to persuade the public to NOT buy into the chemical regimen commonly prescribed by those under their power at any level. Nothing to loose, everything to gain………. seems like a pretty easy decision to make to me.

  28. steve says:

    Coconut oil available at COSTCO. Nutiva organic extra virgin coconut oil, 2qt.,14 fl oz. for $21.oo

  29. Rachel says:

    My grandpa was diagnosed with alzheimers 6 months ago and his symptoms were increasing heavily in the last 2 months. After some research, he decided to go ahead and give it a try- using 4 tbs. of coconut oil throughout the day. After a month of this his head is still “clear”! He’s literally off of all of his medications. My grandma said feels like she has back the man she married.
    I’m sure cases vary, but due to the first hand testimony I have of my grandpa, I highly recommend using coconut oil.
    YAY GOD for creating something so simple and wonderful to treat something so horrible!
    Bless you bless you

    • Shirley says:

      How much coconut oil does your grandfather take, and how severe is his Alzhimer’s. Is he still doing well?

      My husband has severe dementia, and I’m wondering if this would help him.
      My husband is 83 years old, and has had by-pass heart surgery in 2002. His memory is steadily getting worse.


  30. melissafitz says:

    This is amazing stuff. I wish I knew of these benefits back when my grandmother was suffering with AD. It was very difficult to watch and I was just a kid. Now, I’m almost 40 and I include organic coconut oil in my diet every day (2 tablespoons). I add a tbs in my coffee and I will use in place of butter and cooking oils. I’ve also read of Dr. Mary Newport who treated her husband with coconut oil and proved to show that it really worked.

  31. cheryl says:

    organic virgin coconut oil is the only kind to use.and it does help alzheimers!! like others i found out by dr mary newports veido. my aunt is now taking it and she no longer repeats herself. her dr. just said [WHATEVER YOUR DOING , JUST KEEP DOING IT.] dr. oz called it a super food. if you dont like the taste, put it on toast, in oatmeal,on popcorn,cook with it.etc. rember only use ORGANIC [MEANING NO CHEMICALS] VIRGIN [MEANING IT STILL HAS ALL THE GOOD THINGS STILL IN IT] look it up online,it has other uses too.

  32. Gordon Henschel says:

    My wife, 74 years old, had a Spectscan last March and was diagnosed by a geriatric psychiatrist as having Alzheimer’s. It started with an inability to work with numbers and emigrated into being unable to find words. Aricept was prescribed but, almost simultaneously we found out about about Dr. Mary Newport’s discovery that giving her advanced Alzheimer husband coconut oil helped him recover to a large degree. We ordered her book and began ingesting the oil. She recommends a mixture of 16 oz. of MCT oil and 12 oz. of organic virgin coconut oil. Her book was a revelation of a struggle with organizations obviously controlled by pharmaceutical companies. The other book,written by Bruce Fife, a Naturopathic Doctor has become our bible and is called “Stop Alzheimer’s Now!” easil;y available at Amazon and contains a wealth of info about fats and carbs. My wife seems to be holding steady and we are doing all the things that help maintain a healthy lifestyle – physical and mental exercises in hope that we can grow some of those neurons back. Brain plasticity is real and keeping a positive attitude helps. Her 80 year old husband (me) has benefited as well!

  33. Paula S says:

    I really wonder at the motives of caregivers who DO NOT want to try Coconut Oil or MCT Oil with their loved ones. I also wonder at the motives of an association dedicated to finding a cure for Alzheimer’s. What is their greatest fear? I questioned my relative about her reluctance to try coconut oil with her mother who has Alzheimer’s. I was given a response about how her other relatives suffered this disease and how difficult it was for the people around them at the end – in other words she did not want to prolong her mother’s life because she ( the daughter) did not want to suffer. I don’t understand this. I offered this woman Mary Newport’s book, Alzheimer’s What if There was a Cure? and she didn’t want to read it. She wouldn’t even look at the summary, or Dr. Newport’s blog. Why? I wonder if the situation was reversed – would the mother help the daughter?
    Coconut Oil is not a drug. Coconut Oil is not a substance that will do harm.
    As far as the Alzheimer’s Association and their denial – it must be money. Why not just state that there is no scientific evidence yet, but try it and see what happens. Does this statement legally bind the Alzheimer’s Association? Thank goodness for the people on this blog who really care about their relatives and share their n=1 experiments.
    In the case of my own relatives I am going to give the Alzheimer patient Coconut Oil as face cream. It may not have the potency of taking the oil internally, but I must continue to try.

    • claude tadros says:

      Hi Paula
      i couldn t agree more ! I am taking care of my mother who has Alzheimer and as soon as I heard it could help I stared her on it every morning in her Quaker plus a little bit of Turmeric and the improvement are obvious ! I have stopped the arricept which was very negative in her case and she is now the most agreeable
      patient on earth! It does help and I wish everyone caregiver use it plus hugs and kissed and lots of laughter!

      I am encouraged by reading all this comments !



    • Good for YOU, Paul S. for giving the coconut oil a try, whether it be internally or externally! Obviously it’s not a substance that could do any damage. What’s wrong with people’s thinking anyway being so negative when you need a bit of support and understanding at this time, not negativity as is my husband.
      I seem to be in the early stages of alzheimers – we’re not really sure yet. It may just be depression because of the fact that I’ve recently lost my wonderful son to cancer – the brain certainly does work in mysterious ways which my husband refuses to believe, so my daughter has bought me a bottle of MCT oil (coconut oil) which I’ve started to take a few days ago. Hey it certainly can’t hurt me as it’s a ‘natural’ product and I’m axious to try anything that may help and I also may try a little on my skin to keep away those wrinkles!!!
      As far as I know there is no Alz. in my family. People should be ‘open minded’ and positive and not dismissive as is my husband – he obviously is certainly not helping my situation with his arrogant attitude. Guess he’s perfect as are all those negative thinkers!

  34. maddie mcclurg says:

    My Mother has vascular dementia she is very forgetful and it breaks my heart.I am going to try coconut all as all other medication has failed.will post results thank you all.

  35. Shmooze says:

    I suggest people who are tring to recover their dears one from az should keep them away from wheat. Wheat modification (dwarf wheat) in the 70/80 is the real culprit behid az spread in the world. There is a new study of people who eat pasta who are more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease.

  36. Controlled scientific studies will be long coming (perhaps never) due to the cost and time involved to do such a study, and especially since there is no gold to be found at the end of the rainbow for funding such a study for a common, inexpensive product.
    That being said, I can tell you that my 88 yo mother has had rather quickly advancing AD over the past 5 years. Since starting her on coconut oil 1 year ago her progression has greatly slowed and perhaps even reversed.
    No I do not have any empirical date or cognitive tests to support this. What I do have is a medical degree and a weekly in person observation and interaction with my mom for the past 17 years. I also own an AD home care agency and I know when I see improvement in the quality of life.
    In conclusion, the use of coconut oil is certainly worth a try. Would recommend using for at least 6 months to make your own judgment of it’s effects

    • g j elian says:

      This is a follow up to the Jan 19, 2013 post. My mom had to be admitted to nursing home in August 2013 because we could not afford 24/7 caregivers. She was doing well enough when her caregivers were present but could not be left alone at night without physically endangering herself around the house. The coconut oil stopped upon her admission and her mental state has rapidly gone downhill. There is no definitive conclusion to be drawn but I would still advise a 6 month trial of coconut oil on any AD patient with some cognition abilities.

  37. Josef Bonier says:

    good cholesterol can really help balance the bad cholesterol inside our bodies..

    Have a look at our own blog too

  38. Carlos Oliveira says:

    In the medical journal, BMJ ( Britsh Medical Journal ), we can find na interesting article that shows that the polyunsatured fats (as that in soybean oil, corn oil,cotton oil , etc) are harmful to heart health , and that satured oil as extra virgin coconut oil are much more safer and maybe heart protectors than the other vegetable oils as we can see bellow.
    In the article of the BMJ ,”Use of dietary linoleic acid for secondary prevention of coronary heart disease and death: evaluation of recovered data from the Sydney Diet Heart Study and updated meta-analysis” , they wrote :
    “… Increasing dietary omega-6 linoleic acid in the place of saturated fat lowers total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein cholesterol . Advice to substitute linoleic acid for saturated fat is one component of dietary guidelines to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease; however, clinical benefits specific to linoleic acid have not been established.•
    A comprehensive analysis of the effects of linoleic acid on death from coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease was previously not possible, owing to missing outcome data from the Sydney Diet Heart Study, a randomized controlled clinical trial” (part of the text of the scientific article of BMJ).
    The authors of the article concluded that:
    “ In this cohort, substituting omega 6 linoleic acid for saturated fat did not provide the intended benefits, but increased all cause mortality, cardiovascular death and death from coronary heart disease. An updated meta-analysis incorporating these missing data showed no evidence of benefit, and suggested a possible increased
    risk of cardiovascular disease from replacing saturated fat with omega-6 linoleic acid .” ( part of the text of the scientific article of British Medical Journal).
    When we search in National Nutrient Database of the United States Agricultural Research Service, we can find that the percentual of the polyunsatured fatty acid called linoleic acid (the so called Omega 6 ) in each 100 grams of vegetable oils are (approx.) :
    SAFFLOWER OIL – CONTAINS over 70% of linoleic acid (Omega 6)
    SUNFLOWER SEED OIL – CONTAINS 65% of linoleic acid (Omega 6)
    SOYBEAN OIL – CONTAINS 50% to 55% of linoleic acid (Omega 6)
    COTTON SEED OIL-CONTAINS 61% of linoleic acid (Omega 6)
    CORN OIL – CONTAINS 59% of linoleic acid (Omega 6)
    SESAME OIL- CONTAINS 41% of linoleic acid (Omega 6)
    OLIVE OIL – CONTAINS 9% of linoleic acid
    Based in the article of British MedicalJournal and in the percentuals of linoleic acid (omega 6) in each vegetable oil , it looks that , for health, extra virgin coconut oil have a large advantage over the others vegetable oils

  39. Joy says:

    I would like to recommend a book on this subject. It’s called ‘Feed Your Brain, Lose Your Belly’ by Dr. Larry McCleary–a pediatric neurosurgeon. He explains how low-fat diets have been starving our brains and how coconut oil is the healthy fat that our brains need for fuel. He directly links low-fat diets with Alzheimers. He explains the difference between good fats and unhealthy fats. His list of healthy fats are Flax seeds, Flax seed oil, coconut oil, olive oil, almonds, walnuts, avocados, dark chocolate, and other various nuts. He mentions a supplement he endorses, but I am ignoring all that. I am taking the information, educating myself and using it to change my own diet. I bought this book used on Amazon for $9…worth every penny and I will pass it on to everyone I know. I think it’s important for everyone to change their diets before the onset of obesity and brain disease, which seems to have a common link–the insulin that our bodies produce is the controller.

  40. Adelaide Smith says:

    I was absolutely excited reading about coconut oil for Alzheimer’s disease. I’m 73 and I intent to purchase this product. I’m a retired nurse and it really disturbs me when patients including myself are put on so many poisonous drugs. I will certainly let you know how I’m progressing.

  41. Richard Crockett says:

    Walmart in Galesburg, Illinois sells “organic extra virgin coconut oil” by Spring Valley for $10 for 12 oz. Question: what theoretically are the mechanisms by which coconut oil helps brain function or Alzheimer’s patients? What is the theoretical chemistry involved?

  42. Richard Crockett says:

    Can anybody tell us, are all saturated fats equal from the point of view of HDL and LDL?

    • Miki Leeper says:

      Read Dr. Blaylock’s book ‘Stop Alzheimer’s Now” There is a wealth of physiological information contained in this book, dealing with the many aspects of neurodegenerative diseases, although ultimately focusing on AD. His recommendations are coconut oil – and he is quite specific about how to use it – and a ketogenic diet. The stories he and others tell are as convincing as reading these blogs. You can get the book on Kindle if you like to read that way.

  43. mark edgette says:

    Coconut completey harmless and 100% I take it.

  44. debasis sahoo says:

    hellow my father is a denentia patient he is suffer in 1 years he is not taken medicine some time he taken medicine plese sir tell me how to tretmene without medicine?

  45. Helen says:

    Hi there my mum has been in a care home for the past 6 weeks. She has been diagnosed as having mid to late stages of dementia. Before going into care she was very physcotic, blaming people for stealing from her. she has delusions, she is very irritable and walks about the care home all day. My mum was on aricept but has been taken off then now. The docotor said my mum needs 24 hour care. Is it too late for my mum to try coconut oil.

    • Richard says:

      My wife has been on coconut oil for eight months now. I can identify with the behaviors you are describing prior to her using the oil. Unfortunately we can’t tell if it is just the progression of the disease or the coconut oil effect, but I can identify two personalities – one with oil, and one without. Doesn’t hurt to try it. Follow instructions – start slow and increase to 4 tbsp a day. If you can do it that long, three months would be a reasonable trial.

    • Arlene says:

      Hi Helen you said that it was to late for your mother. Although I have read that there has been many persons in your position, that have had good results and it has actually reversed. Try it for six months, and have faith.
      God bless you and your mother.

  46. There have been 2 studies conducted on the affects of coconut oil on Alzheimer’s but as you say, nothing to get too excited about at this stage. Dr. Mary Newport was flooded with testimonies from people who found coconut oil improved their Alzheimer’s. these testimonies helped to get grants for more research at the University of South Florida (USF) Byrd Alzheimer Institute. The trials have only just begun.

    I understand you don’t feel you can recommend coconut oil however there’s no reason to be so anti just yet.

  47. Richard says:

    My wife is 78 and in stage 6 of ALZ. Started a blend (2:1 MCT/coconut oil) eight months ago. Up to 5 tbsp a day in divided doses with food. Takes about an hour to take effect and lasts about four hours on a good day. Not a total solution. Sundowning is still an occasional problem.

  48. John B says:

    anyone interested in dementia improvement should google the 56 minute video of Michael Mosley titled “Eat, Fast and Live Longer”. it explains how periodic fasting effects brain ketones and creates new neurons in the brain. he offers 3 fasting protocols, all proven effective clinically, to accomplish the same goals. i started using the 2-day per week restricted calorie fast this past week and plan to stick with it.

  49. Anne Braun says:

    Try Costco. They sell it in large jars – organic, virgin, cold-pressed. It costs around 17 or 18 dollars. Much less expensive than in health food srores.